• 2022 Craft Leaders

  • Ronnie Prize Winner: Tokunaga Furniture

    2022 Traditional Crafts

    Ronnie Prize Winner: 

    Tokunaga Furniture

    Learn More
  • Ronnie Prize Trophy





  • Judges



  • Steve Beimel

    JC21 Founder

  • Michael Sonnenfeldt



    JC21 Director

  • Yuriko TOKUNAGA

    (Ronnie Prize Winner) &

    U.S. Ambassador to Japan

  • Steve Beimel

    Presentation at

    Asia Society Japan

  • Foyer

    at Award Ceremony

  • Flower Bouquet

    at Award Ceremony


Craft World

Craft Exhibitions in Tokyo and Kyoto
Craft Exhibitions in U.S. and Europe
JapanCraft21 Newslette
Japan Living Arts (A Blog by Steve Beimel, Founder, JapanCraft21.com)

Our Purpose
To revitalize traditional Japanese master crafts by identifying issues faced by artisans and implementing solutions for the 21st Century.

What We Do

JapanCraft21 was created to reverse the rapid decline of traditional Japanese crafts. In addition to helping to create a school of advanced traditional building skills, we have launched a series of Japan Traditional Craft Revitalization Contests, each designed to revive a traditional Japanese craft so that it flourishes in the 21st century.  Learn More at What We Do.

Traditional Craft
Revitalization Contest

Our Japan Traditional Craft Revitalization Contests search for exceptional project ideas from individuals with outstanding talent, track records and passion, and provide them with a broad and significant support package.

We co-founded the School of Traditional Building Arts in Kyoto to teach rapidly disappearing building skills. Our intensive yearlong courses are held on Sundays to accommodate young working trades people. We teach joinery to carpenters, bamboo mud-wall construction to plasterers, advanced courses in Japanese garden building & maintenance, and training in natural lacquer. JC21 provides full scholarships to all students.

JapanCraft21 is committed to educating young up-and-coming crafts people in such projects as our School for Traditional Building Arts, and to educating the public about the value of fine Japanese Master Crafts through social media and our on-line magazine. Also, in order to maximize our effectiveness in achieving our craft revitalization vision, it is imperative that we educate both our staff and our membership. We accomplish this with regular on-line lectures for all of our members and private cultural events for our patrons.

The RONNIE Prize is awarded to the first place winner in our Japanese Traditional Craft Revitalization Contest, and consists of 5 million yen ($50,000) in project funding for the winning project aiming to revitalize a craft for the 21st Century. The trophy given to each Ronnie Prize winner is created by renowned Japanese sculptor, Kan Yasuda. The work crafted from white statuary marble is entitled, Tempi, meaning the "mysteries of heaven."

2022 Revitalization Contest Finalists・Craft Leaders

2021 Revitalization Contest Finalists・Craft Leaders

Our Presentation

Asia Society Symposium

Learn more about Japanese Arts & Crafts

JapanLivingArts.com Homepage

A crafts-related website celebrating the Japanese entering into a new “Golden Age” of culture, with time honored arts and crafts, moving rapidly and appropriately into 21st Century life.

What You Can Do

We have opportunities beyond donating to help support the arts.  Find out more here.

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